August TBR

In August I intend to take part in two readathons. The Magical Readathon NEWTs edition and Galleyathon Round 2, as well as two buddy reads. And so, here are the books that I want to read in August and their corresponding prompts.

The Magical Readathon - NEWTs Edition.
I took part in the OWLs edition of the Magical Readathon back in April and was aiming for the career of 'Astronomer' and so, for the NEWTs I have to read 7 books to achieve the qualifications to be an astronomer. These qualifications are an 'O' in Arithmancy, 'O' in Astronomy and 'A' in History of Magic. And so, here are the 7 books I plan to read.

Read a non-fiction:
What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions - Randall Munroe

A book that ends on an uneven amount of pages:
We Just Clicked - Anna Bell (381 pages)

A book that's between 260 and 290 pages:
Tender: The Imperfect Art of Caring - Penny Wincer (288 pages)

Star on the cover or in the title:
Stargirl - Jerry Spinelli

Read a Sci-Fi:
The Word for World is Forest - Ursula K Le Guin

Read one of the longest books on your TBR:
One To Watch - Kate Stayman-London

Read a Historical Fiction:
Wolf by Wolf - Ryan Graudin
Galleyathon Round 2
Galleyathon is a week-long readathon focused on reading your e-arcs from NetGalley, hosted by Brooke's Books and Connor's Library Corner. I took part in the first round of Galleyathon and was so productive with reading arcs that I knew I had to do it again as I'm already overwhelmed with the number of arcs I've requested.

Your newest arc:
Dear Emmie Blue - Lia Louis

Your oldest arc:
When Life Gives You Lemons - Fiona Gibson

An arc you regret requesting:
A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J Maas

An arc you're most excited for:
Earthlings - Sayaka Murata

An arc that's already released:
Sex Robots & Vegan Meat - Jenny Kleeman

Buddy Reads
In August I currently have 2 buddy reads planned, the first being Loveless by Alice Oseman which I am reading with a group of bookish friends that I made through booktube, and the second buddy read is The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky which I'm reading with my good friend Lauren, who also has a blog.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read through my August tbr, let me know what you're planning to read in the comments and be sure to check out those aforementioned! (linked below)
